Wednesday, 9 May 2012

How did the Great White Shark become an endangered species ?

Great White Sharks numbers are dropping increasingly because of the over fishing and by catch by commercial set nets and long lines and inshore and midwater trawls .Great White Sharks numbers are also dropping because of trophies fishing and catching them for their teeth and jaws. Their teeth are treasured jewellery and the jaws can fetch for thousands of dollars. Indirect threats to Great White Sharks includes declines in abundance of important prey species due to changes in coastal productivity habitat less and populations. Increasingly development pressures on coastal ecosystems has potential to degrade important inshore breeding and feeding habitats for variety of Great White Sharks and a wide range of other marine species. Great White Sharks are now more endangered than tigers.


  1. Josiah - This is a really fabulous, informative website! Well done!

    1. Thanks vanessa for your comment.I'm 13 and I did for a school project
