Fast Facts

* Counter-shading makes it difficult for their prey to see them

* One of the most successful predators in the world

* World's largest predatory shark/fish growing up to 6.1 metres

* Girls grow bigger than boys

* They weigh over 2000 kgs

*They have six senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing and electroreception

* They can see in the day and at night and can see colour

* They don't have eyelids, but instead roll their eyes back to protect them

* Sometimes they will stick their heads out of the water which is called spyhopping

* They have the strongest smell out of all sharks and can smell one drop of blood in a million parts water

* Have taste buds inside their mouth and throat and are more fussy than other sharks like tiger sharks

* Have a lateral line made of special hair-like cells which runs from their tail to their head and can detect small water vibrations and currents

* Use their electrosense to detect the electric field given off by all living animals and can even find prey hidden under the sand

* They are sensitive to low frequency sounds as produced by struggling prey

* They can't make sound

* Deepest recorded dive was over 1200m

* Can breach out of the water over 2m into the air

* One of the most widely distributed sharks found in all oceans, except the polar seas

* Areas with the highest concentrations are Western Cape, South Africa, South Australia,
West coast USA, Guadalupe Island Mexico and New Zealand

* Found near the coast and in deep oceanic waters

* Grow slowly only becoming mature after 10 years (males) and 15 years (females)

* Live for more than 60 years

* Reproduce slowly with litters of 2 - 10 baby sharks, called pups

* Gestation is thought to be over 12 months

* Give birth to live young (viviparous)

* Each pup is between 1.2 - 1.7 meters long when it is born

* There is no parental care

* They use body language and smell to communicate with one another

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